Rasikkum Seemane Rasikkum Seemane is a Tamil-language film that was released in 2010. Directed by R.K. Vidyadaran, the film features a group of young individuals bound together by their shared...
Yathumaagi Yathumaagi, released in 2010, is a Tamil language film that captivates audiences with its narrative. While adhering to the norms of commercial cinema, the film presents a story that...
Sivappu Mazhai "Sivappu Mazhai" is a 2010 Tamil film, presenting viewers with a concoction of drama and action. The narrative of the movie pivots around the protagonist's challenges and the...
Pen Singam Originating from the Tamil film industry, Pen Singam is a feature film combining elements of drama and action. The movie crafts a narrative intended to maintain viewer interest,...
18 Vayasu "18 Vayasu" stands as a representative product of the Tamil film industry, showcasing a blend of dramatic and psychological themes. The narrative is driven by the exploration of...
Kagitha Kappal "Kagitha Kappal" is a Tamil language film with an interesting narrative structure. The film's title, translated as "Paper Ship," provides a glimpse into the narrative journey that awaits...
Goa "Goa" is a 2010 Indian film, navigating through the genre of comedy. Venkat Prabhu takes on the role of director for this movie, while Soundarya Rajinikanth serves as the...
14 Blades "14 Blades" is a 2010 Hong Kong wuxia film. Daniel Lee took the helm as the director of this film, which explores themes of loyalty and power within...
Maanja Velu "Maanja Velu" is a Tamil language action film released in 2010. The directorial role was taken up by A. Venkatesh, and the narrative is mainly centered on themes...
Ishtam "Ishtam" is a Tamil film that arrived in cinemas in 2012. This narrative is directed by Prem Nizar and stars Vimal and Nisha Aggarwal as the main characters, surrounded...
Thadaiyara Thaakka "Thadaiyara Thaakka" is a 2012 Tamil language film. Magizh Thirumeni is the director, and the narrative incorporates elements of drama and action. Plot Summary "Thadaiyara Thaakka" revolves around...
Naan Rajavaga Pogiren Naan Rajavaga Pogiren is a Tamil film that was released in the year 2013. Directed by Prithvi Rajkumar, the movie is categorized as an action-drama. Plot Summary...
Desingu Raja 'Desingu Raja' is a Tamil language film from 2013, residing in the genre of comedy-drama. This movie is the brainchild of director Ezhil. It offers an insight into...
Vidiyum Munn "Vidiyum Munn" is a Tamil-language film from 2013. This thriller was directed by Balaji K. Kumar, and stars Pooja Umashankar and Malavika Manikuttan in the primary roles. The...
Kaththi Kaththi (2014) is a film that communicates in the Tamil language, falling under the genre of action drama. The film's focal point is the challenges of farmers' rights and...