Ainthu Ainthu Ainthu Ainthu Ainthu Ainthu, also known as 555, is a Tamil film of the psychological thriller genre from the year 2013. The film was directed and written by...
Desingu Raja 'Desingu Raja' is a Tamil language film from 2013, residing in the genre of comedy-drama. This movie is the brainchild of director Ezhil. It offers an insight into...
Ponmaalai Pozhudhu Ponmaalai Pozhudhu is a Tamil movie that came out in 2013. AC Durai took on the role of director for this project. The movie is classified under the...
Vidiyum Munn "Vidiyum Munn" is a Tamil-language film from 2013. This thriller was directed by Balaji K. Kumar, and stars Pooja Umashankar and Malavika Manikuttan in the primary roles. The...
Inga Enna Solluthu "Inga Enna Solluthu" is a 2014 Tamil film directed by Vincent Selva. The film features VTV Ganesh in the lead role, who also produced the film. It's...
Kaakkaa Muttai Kaakkaa Muttai is a Tamil film that was released in 2014. It provides viewers with a narrative about two brothers living in a slum, whose lives are depicted...
Kaththi Kaththi (2014) is a film that communicates in the Tamil language, falling under the genre of action drama. The film's focal point is the challenges of farmers' rights and...
Tamiluku En Ondrai Aluthavum Tamiluku En Ondrai Aluthavum (2015) is a film in Tamil language that falls into the science fiction genre. The movie is directed by Ramprakash Rayappa and...
Wolf Warrior "Wolf Warrior" is a 2015 action film from China. It was directed by Wu Jing, who also played the lead role in the movie. The film has a...
The Third Way of Love "The Third Way of Love" is a romantic film from China, which was unveiled to audiences in 2015. The directorial responsibilities were handled by John...
Bad Guys Always Die Bad Guys Always Die is a 2015 film, a joint venture between South Korea and China. Directed by Sun Hao, this action-comedy involves an engaging mix...
The Mermaid "The Mermaid" is a Chinese cinematic production from 2016. Stephen Chow took on the role of director for this film which navigates through the genres of fantasy and...
Anjala Anjala is a Tamil film from the year 2016. It integrates elements of comedy and drama to depict a story centered around familial ties and community solidarity. A central...
Idhu Namma Aalu "Idhu Namma Aalu" is a 2016 Tamil film. This romantic comedy, directed by Pandiraj, narrates a tale that primarily revolves around the character named Shiva. Plot Summary...
Murder at Honeymoon Hotel "Murder at Honeymoon Hotel" is a film from China, released in 2016. It's in the drama and mystery genre, directed by Jang Cheol-soo, and combines elements...