Aval Peyar Tamilarasi "Aval Peyar Tamilarasi" is a Tamil film from 2010. Under the direction of Meera Kathiravan, the film features actors like Jai, Nandhagi, and Theodore Bhaskaran. It presents...
Kola Kolaya Mundhirika "Kola Kolaya Mundhirika" is a Tamil film that made its debut in 2010. The directorial responsibility was undertaken by Madhumita, and the main cast featured Karthik Kumar,...
Thairiyam "Thairiyam" is a Tamil language film released in 2010. The movie is directed by Kumaravelan and features Kumaran and Karthika in the lead roles. This film is rooted in...
Rasikkum Seemane Rasikkum Seemane is a Tamil-language film that was released in 2010. Directed by R.K. Vidyadaran, the film features a group of young individuals bound together by their shared...
Yathumaagi Yathumaagi, released in 2010, is a Tamil language film that captivates audiences with its narrative. While adhering to the norms of commercial cinema, the film presents a story that...
Maathi Yosi "Maathi Yosi" is a film in the Tamil language released in 2010. As the title implies, translated as 'Think Different', the film's central concept invites viewers to view...
Sivappu Mazhai "Sivappu Mazhai" is a 2010 Tamil film, presenting viewers with a concoction of drama and action. The narrative of the movie pivots around the protagonist's challenges and the...
Kanagavel Kaaka Kanagavel Kaaka is a film from the Tamil cinema industry. This particular film offers viewers a combination of drama, action, and suspense, encompassing an experience which aims to...
Pen Singam Originating from the Tamil film industry, Pen Singam is a feature film combining elements of drama and action. The movie crafts a narrative intended to maintain viewer interest,...
18 Vayasu "18 Vayasu" stands as a representative product of the Tamil film industry, showcasing a blend of dramatic and psychological themes. The narrative is driven by the exploration of...
Anba Azhaga "Anba Azhaga" is a Tamil film that appeared in the early 2010s. This movie, while adhering to the fundamentals of a traditional narrative, presents a story filled with...
Kagitha Kappal "Kagitha Kappal" is a Tamil language film with an interesting narrative structure. The film's title, translated as "Paper Ship," provides a glimpse into the narrative journey that awaits...
Thanimai "Thanimai," a film from Tamil cinema, is a narrative that unfolds around the concept of solitude. This production, directed by S. Sivaraman and starring Sonia Agarwal, follows the story...
Padagasalai "Padagasalai" is a Tamil film that was released in the year 2010. The film contains a mix of drama and action, crafted with the aim to captivate its audience....