Osthi Osthi is a Tamil language film, a remake of the Hindi film Dabangg, that hit the screens in 2011. Directed by S. Dharani, the film features Silambarasan in the...
Varalaaru 'Varalaaru', a Tamil film, released in 2006, delves into a stirring narrative filled with elements of drama, action, and family sentiments. Directed by K.S Ravikumar, the film stars Ajith...
Maanja Velu "Maanja Velu" is a Tamil language action film released in 2010. The directorial role was taken up by A. Venkatesh, and the narrative is mainly centered on themes...
Pattathu Arasan "Pattathu Arasan" is a 2022 film that dives deep into the intricacies of familial relationships, set against the backdrop of village life and the sport of kabaddi. Directed...