Yathumaagi Yathumaagi, released in 2010, is a Tamil language film that captivates audiences with its narrative. While adhering to the norms of commercial cinema, the film presents a story that...
Maathi Yosi "Maathi Yosi" is a film in the Tamil language released in 2010. As the title implies, translated as 'Think Different', the film's central concept invites viewers to view...
Sivappu Mazhai "Sivappu Mazhai" is a 2010 Tamil film, presenting viewers with a concoction of drama and action. The narrative of the movie pivots around the protagonist's challenges and the...
Anba Azhaga "Anba Azhaga" is a Tamil film that appeared in the early 2010s. This movie, while adhering to the fundamentals of a traditional narrative, presents a story filled with...
14 Blades "14 Blades" is a 2010 Hong Kong wuxia film. Daniel Lee took the helm as the director of this film, which explores themes of loyalty and power within...
Maanja Velu "Maanja Velu" is a Tamil language action film released in 2010. The directorial role was taken up by A. Venkatesh, and the narrative is mainly centered on themes...
Ishtam "Ishtam" is a Tamil film that arrived in cinemas in 2012. This narrative is directed by Prem Nizar and stars Vimal and Nisha Aggarwal as the main characters, surrounded...
The Third Way of Love "The Third Way of Love" is a romantic film from China, which was unveiled to audiences in 2015. The directorial responsibilities were handled by John...
Anjala Anjala is a Tamil film from the year 2016. It integrates elements of comedy and drama to depict a story centered around familial ties and community solidarity. A central...