Kanagavel Kaaka Kanagavel Kaaka is a film from the Tamil cinema industry. This particular film offers viewers a combination of drama, action, and suspense, encompassing an experience which aims to...
The Rebel "The Rebel" is a 2007 film situated in the action genre. It draws its setting from Vietnam during the French occupation in the 1920s. Truc Charlie Nguyen directed...
Maanja Velu "Maanja Velu" is a Tamil language action film released in 2010. The directorial role was taken up by A. Venkatesh, and the narrative is mainly centered on themes...
Wolf Warrior "Wolf Warrior" is a 2015 action film from China. It was directed by Wu Jing, who also played the lead role in the movie. The film has a...
Aaradugula Bullet "Aaradugula Bullet" emerged in 2021, finding its place in the cinema landscape. The film attracted attention from viewers and critics alike, presenting itself as an addition to the...