Bring Me Home "Bring Me Home" is a 2019 film that offers a narrative centered around themes of loss, perseverance, and the search for closure. As films continually present diverse...
Aadai In 2019, the Tamil-language film industry introduced "Aadai," a movie that presented a narrative outside the conventional domain. Films often echo societal narratives, addressing prevalent values and issues. In...
Kaappaan "Kaappaan," released in 2019, is a South Indian film in the Tamil language. It merges the genres of political drama with action and thriller elements. Plot Summary The narrative...
Man of Men "Man of Men" is a 2019 film from the South Korean film industry. It brings forth a storyline centered around human relationships and presents its narrative in...
Petromax Petromax is a 2019 Tamil-language film that falls under the comedy horror genre. Directed by Rohin Venkatesan and produced by Eagle's Eye Production, the movie combines elements of humor,...
ThiruvinKural In the ever-evolving landscape of cinema, 2023 brings us "ThiruvinKural." Directed by Harish Prabhu and produced under the banner of Lyca Productions, this drama delves into the challenges faced...
Raangi "Raangi" (2022) is an intriguing tale of investigative journalism, political conspiracies, and international suspense. Directed by M. Saravanan and featuring Trisha in the lead role, the movie delves deep...
Vendhu Thanindhathu Kaadu "Vendhu Thanindhathu Kaadu" is a 2022 Indian film that delves into the realm of crime, loyalty, betrayal, and personal evolution. Directed by Gautham Vasudev Menon and co-written...
Ponniyin Selvan: Part I Set against the backdrop of the 10th century Chola dynasty, "Ponniyin Selvan: Part I" captures the essence of political intrigue, love, and rivalry. Directed by Mani...
Naai Sekar Returns "Naai Sekar Returns" is a 2022 film that delves into the peculiar connection between familial fortune and a special dog named Bhairavar. Directed and penned by Suraj,...
Pattathu Arasan "Pattathu Arasan" is a 2022 film that dives deep into the intricacies of familial relationships, set against the backdrop of village life and the sport of kabaddi. Directed...
Thillu Mullu Thillu Mullu is a 2013 Tamil language film, a remake of a 1981 movie bearing the same title. The film features Shiva, Isha Talwar, and Prakash Raj in...
Vaalu 'Vaalu' is a 2015 Tamil language film in the romantic comedy genre. Directed by Vijay Chander, it revolves around the main character named Sharp and his pursuits in love....
Darbar "Darbar," a 2020 Tamil-language action film, ventures into the complex realm of crime and law enforcement. Directed by AR Murugadoss and featuring a well-known lead actor, the film generated...
Vanguard Released in 2020, "Vanguard" is a Chinese action film that falls under the action-adventure category. Helmed by Stanley Tong, this movie provides a narrative intertwined with modern concerns and...