For a Few Bullets "For a Few Bullets" is a movie released in 2016, presenting a story set in an intriguing time period. The film falls under the genre of...
Hedgehogs "Hedgehogs" is an animated film from 2016. The movie, directed by Jianming Huang and produced by Original Force Animation, presents a plot and a set of characters that keep...
Aandavan Kattalai "Aandavan Kattalai" is a film from the Tamil cinema industry, released in the year 2016. The directorial work was done by M. Manikandan, and the production was under...
Rekka Rekka is a Tamil action movie released in 2016. The film is directed by Rathina Shiva and includes actors Vijay Sethupathi and Lakshmi Menon in primary roles. The movie...
The King "The King" is a 2017 South Korean crime drama film. The movie's narrative is woven by director Han Jae-rim, and the story unfolds through characters portrayed by Jo...
Enakku Vaaitha Adimaigal Enakku Vaaitha Adimaigal (2017) is a comedy-drama film from Tamil cinema. Directed by Mahendran Rajamani, this film presents a story revolving around the themes of friendship and...
Yaman "Yaman" is a 2017 film in the Tamil language. The movie delves into political themes, offering a narrative grounded in the dynamics of power and politics. Plot Summary The...
Kuttram 23 "Kuttram 23" is a Tamil film directed by Arivazhagan, which was unveiled to the public in 2017. This film, classified as a crime thriller, has Arun Vijay in...
Hae-pi-ppeo-seu-de-i "Hae-pi-ppeo-seu-de-i" is a 2017 film from South Korea. It forms a part of the wide spectrum of movies released from the region. Plot Summary "Hae-pi-ppeo-seu-de-i" takes its audience into...
Warriors of the Dawn "Warriors of the Dawn" is a period drama that came from South Korea in 2017. The film's director, Jeong Yoon-cheol, situates the story in the historical...
Kurangu Bommai Kurangu Bommai is a film in Tamil language, released in 2017. It is a directional venture by Nithilan Swaminathan, with Vidharth, Bharathiraja, and Delna Davis as the key...
The Foreigner The Foreigner, released in 2017, falls into the action-thriller category of cinema. Directed by Martin Campbell and starring Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan, the film tells a compelling...
The Outlaws 'The Outlaws' is a crime-action film from South Korea, released in 2017. The narrative focuses on the conflict between a local gang and an audacious Chinese group in...
Ippadai Vellum "Ippadai Vellum" is a Tamil film that debuted in 2017. The directorial lead of the film was taken by Gaurav Narayanan, with Udhayanidhi Stalin and Manjima Mohan assuming...
Peranbu Peranbu (2018) is a work of cinema hailing from India. It's directed by Ram and stars Mammootty in the leading role, with Anjali, Sadhana, and Anjali Ameer also participating....