Bayam Ariyaan Bayam Ariyaan is a Tamil film that made its entrance into the cinema world in 2010. The movie distinguishes itself through a plot that deviates from usual themes...
Kagitha Kappal "Kagitha Kappal" is a Tamil language film with an interesting narrative structure. The film's title, translated as "Paper Ship," provides a glimpse into the narrative journey that awaits...
Thadaiyara Thaakka "Thadaiyara Thaakka" is a 2012 Tamil language film. Magizh Thirumeni is the director, and the narrative incorporates elements of drama and action. Plot Summary "Thadaiyara Thaakka" revolves around...
Kuttram 23 "Kuttram 23" is a Tamil film directed by Arivazhagan, which was unveiled to the public in 2017. This film, classified as a crime thriller, has Arun Vijay in...
Kolamavu Kokila "Kolamavu Kokila" is a 2018 Indian Tamil-language film. Directed by Nelson Dilipkumar, the film is categorized as a black comedy crime drama. Plot Summary Kokila, played by Nayanthara,...
Kolaiyuthir Kaalam "Kolaiyuthir Kaalam" is a 2019 Tamil-language film that has garnered attention from various quarters. It's a film that utilizes suspense and mystery to weave its narrative. Plot Summary...
Aadai In 2019, the Tamil-language film industry introduced "Aadai," a movie that presented a narrative outside the conventional domain. Films often echo societal narratives, addressing prevalent values and issues. In...