Bayam Ariyaan Bayam Ariyaan is a Tamil film that made its entrance into the cinema world in 2010. The movie distinguishes itself through a plot that deviates from usual themes...
18 Vayasu "18 Vayasu" stands as a representative product of the Tamil film industry, showcasing a blend of dramatic and psychological themes. The narrative is driven by the exploration of...
Saravana "Saravana" is a Tamil-language film from India, released in 2006. The movie is directed by K. S. Ravikumar and produced by S. S. Chakravarthy. The film, starring Silambarasan, Jyothika,...
Enakku Innoru Per Irukku "Enakku Innoru Per Irukku" is a 2016 action-comedy film in the Tamil language. The film's name translates to "I have another person inside me," indicating the...
The Foreigner The Foreigner, released in 2017, falls into the action-thriller category of cinema. Directed by Martin Campbell and starring Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan, the film tells a compelling...
Ippadai Vellum "Ippadai Vellum" is a Tamil film that debuted in 2017. The directorial lead of the film was taken by Gaurav Narayanan, with Udhayanidhi Stalin and Manjima Mohan assuming...