Silambattam Silambattam is a Tamil language film released in the year 2008. The film falls under the genre of action drama. Directed by Saravanan and produced by K. Muralidharan, V....
Thadaiyara Thaakka "Thadaiyara Thaakka" is a 2012 Tamil language film. Magizh Thirumeni is the director, and the narrative incorporates elements of drama and action. Plot Summary "Thadaiyara Thaakka" revolves around...
Ainthu Ainthu Ainthu Ainthu Ainthu Ainthu, also known as 555, is a Tamil film of the psychological thriller genre from the year 2013. The film was directed and written by...
Ponmaalai Pozhudhu Ponmaalai Pozhudhu is a Tamil movie that came out in 2013. AC Durai took on the role of director for this project. The movie is classified under the...
For a Few Bullets "For a Few Bullets" is a movie released in 2016, presenting a story set in an intriguing time period. The film falls under the genre of...
Enakku Vaaitha Adimaigal Enakku Vaaitha Adimaigal (2017) is a comedy-drama film from Tamil cinema. Directed by Mahendran Rajamani, this film presents a story revolving around the themes of friendship and...
Kuttram 23 "Kuttram 23" is a Tamil film directed by Arivazhagan, which was unveiled to the public in 2017. This film, classified as a crime thriller, has Arun Vijay in...
Petromax Petromax is a 2019 Tamil-language film that falls under the comedy horror genre. Directed by Rohin Venkatesan and produced by Eagle's Eye Production, the movie combines elements of humor,...