
“Thanimai,” a film from Tamil cinema, is a narrative that unfolds around the concept of solitude. This production, directed by S. Sivaraman and starring Sonia Agarwal, follows the story of a Sri Lankan refugee in India.

Plot Summary

“Thanimai” tells the tale of Gayathri (Sonia Agarwal), a Sri Lankan refugee living in India with her young daughter. Forced to leave her homeland due to a devastating civil war, Gayathri grapples with the repercussions of her past while facing the struggles of her present. She wrestles with the memories of losing her husband in the conflict and the loneliness that accompanies her refugee status in a foreign land.

With her daughter as her beacon of hope, Gayathri musters the strength to make ends meet in India. The mother-daughter duo form a close bond, their shared experiences and mutual support creating a strong connection that helps them cope with their challenging circumstances.

However, a dramatic turn of events strikes when Gayathri’s daughter goes missing. This incident significantly escalates the plot, plunging Gayathri into a whirlpool of fear, uncertainty, and grief. Despite the police’s efforts, the search for her daughter hits a series of dead ends, leaving Gayathri desperate and distraught.

In her quest to find her daughter, Gayathri faces numerous obstacles and confronts unsettling truths. These experiences force her to revisit her traumatic past and the events that led to her becoming a refugee. She grapples with the reality of her daughter’s disappearance, the uncertainty of her fate, and the stark loneliness her life has become, thus manifesting the meaning of “Thanimai” – solitude.


“Thanimai” is an Indian Tamil-language film directed and written by S. Sivaraman. The film is produced by S. Sundaravalli under the banner of Foot Steps Production. The cinematography for the film was handled by Venkidarshan. The use of visuals in the storytelling process added depth and dimension to the plot, enhancing the cinematic experience for the audience. The film’s music, composed by Dhina, contributed to the mood and atmosphere of the film, accentuating the emotions portrayed in the plot.

The film stars Sonia Agarwal in the leading role and Ganja Karuppu in a significant part. The choice of the cast was based on the needs of the script, with the actors’ capabilities aligning with the characters they portrayed. 


“Thanimai” delves into the complex themes of solitude, loss, and survival. It presents an authentic perspective of a refugee’s life, which adds a significant layer to the film’s narrative. While the film confronts its audience with hard-hitting realities, it also subtly shows a sliver of optimism, emphasizing human resilience in overcoming adversity. Although the film is enveloped in a somber ambiance, “Thanimai” represents the strength of human endurance and the continual hope for an improved future.

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