Sivappu Mazhai "Sivappu Mazhai" is a 2010 Tamil film, presenting viewers with a concoction of drama and action. The narrative of the movie pivots around the protagonist's challenges and the...
Ponmaalai Pozhudhu Ponmaalai Pozhudhu is a Tamil movie that came out in 2013. AC Durai took on the role of director for this project. The movie is classified under the...
The Third Way of Love "The Third Way of Love" is a romantic film from China, which was unveiled to audiences in 2015. The directorial responsibilities were handled by John...
For a Few Bullets "For a Few Bullets" is a movie released in 2016, presenting a story set in an intriguing time period. The film falls under the genre of...
Kurangu Bommai Kurangu Bommai is a film in Tamil language, released in 2017. It is a directional venture by Nithilan Swaminathan, with Vidharth, Bharathiraja, and Delna Davis as the key...
Western Ghats "Western Ghats" is a 2018 film. The movie is set within the landscape of the mountain range known for its rich biodiversity. The environment adds to the film's...
2.0 "2.0" is a 2018 Indian film that combines elements of science fiction and action. Directed by S. Shankar, the movie is a sequel to the 2010 film "Enthiran." Plot...
Padagasalai "Padagasalai" is a Tamil film that was released in the year 2010. The film contains a mix of drama and action, crafted with the aim to captivate its audience....