Big Fish and Begonia "Big Fish and Begonia" is a Chinese film that saw its release in 2016. It's an animation feature, guided under the directorial lead of Liang Xuan...
For a Few Bullets "For a Few Bullets" is a movie released in 2016, presenting a story set in an intriguing time period. The film falls under the genre of...
Enakku Vaaitha Adimaigal Enakku Vaaitha Adimaigal (2017) is a comedy-drama film from Tamil cinema. Directed by Mahendran Rajamani, this film presents a story revolving around the themes of friendship and...
Yaman "Yaman" is a 2017 film in the Tamil language. The movie delves into political themes, offering a narrative grounded in the dynamics of power and politics. Plot Summary The...
The Outlaws 'The Outlaws' is a crime-action film from South Korea, released in 2017. The narrative focuses on the conflict between a local gang and an audacious Chinese group in...
Dhilluku Dhuddu 2 "Dhilluku Dhuddu 2" is a 2019 Tamil horror-comedy film. Directed by Rambhala, it continues the narrative from its predecessor, "Dhilluku Dhuddu." Plot Summary "Dhilluku Dhuddu 2" follows...
Innocent Witness "Innocent Witness" is a 2019 South Korean film that falls under the drama genre. Directed by Lee Han, the movie's central theme revolves around the intricacies of human...
Bring Me Home "Bring Me Home" is a 2019 film that offers a narrative centered around themes of loss, perseverance, and the search for closure. As films continually present diverse...
Darbar "Darbar," a 2020 Tamil-language action film, ventures into the complex realm of crime and law enforcement. Directed by AR Murugadoss and featuring a well-known lead actor, the film generated...
Padagasalai "Padagasalai" is a Tamil film that was released in the year 2010. The film contains a mix of drama and action, crafted with the aim to captivate its audience....