Manam Kothi Paravai "Manam Kothi Paravai" is a Tamil romantic comedy film that was released in the year 2012. The film's director is Ezhil, and the narrative aims to present...
Desingu Raja 'Desingu Raja' is a Tamil language film from 2013, residing in the genre of comedy-drama. This movie is the brainchild of director Ezhil. It offers an insight into...
Rekka Rekka is a Tamil action movie released in 2016. The film is directed by Rathina Shiva and includes actors Vijay Sethupathi and Lakshmi Menon in primary roles. The movie...
Ippadai Vellum "Ippadai Vellum" is a Tamil film that debuted in 2017. The directorial lead of the film was taken by Gaurav Narayanan, with Udhayanidhi Stalin and Manjima Mohan assuming...