Enakku Innoru Per Irukku "Enakku Innoru Per Irukku" is a 2016 action-comedy film in the Tamil language. The film's name translates to "I have another person inside me," indicating the...
Rekka Rekka is a Tamil action movie released in 2016. The film is directed by Rathina Shiva and includes actors Vijay Sethupathi and Lakshmi Menon in primary roles. The movie...
The King "The King" is a 2017 South Korean crime drama film. The movie's narrative is woven by director Han Jae-rim, and the story unfolds through characters portrayed by Jo...
Kurangu Bommai Kurangu Bommai is a film in Tamil language, released in 2017. It is a directional venture by Nithilan Swaminathan, with Vidharth, Bharathiraja, and Delna Davis as the key...
The Outlaws 'The Outlaws' is a crime-action film from South Korea, released in 2017. The narrative focuses on the conflict between a local gang and an audacious Chinese group in...
Ippadai Vellum "Ippadai Vellum" is a Tamil film that debuted in 2017. The directorial lead of the film was taken by Gaurav Narayanan, with Udhayanidhi Stalin and Manjima Mohan assuming...
Western Ghats "Western Ghats" is a 2018 film. The movie is set within the landscape of the mountain range known for its rich biodiversity. The environment adds to the film's...
2.0 "2.0" is a 2018 Indian film that combines elements of science fiction and action. Directed by S. Shankar, the movie is a sequel to the 2010 film "Enthiran." Plot...
Baaram "Baaram" is a film from 2018 that focuses on a theme not commonly addressed in mainstream cinema. By choosing to depict a distinct narrative, the movie opens doors for...
Kolaigaran "Kolaigaran" is a 2019 Tamil film that delves into suspense and thrill elements. The movie provides a sequence of events that captures the essence of its genre, guiding viewers...
Bring Me Home "Bring Me Home" is a 2019 film that offers a narrative centered around themes of loss, perseverance, and the search for closure. As films continually present diverse...
Aadai In 2019, the Tamil-language film industry introduced "Aadai," a movie that presented a narrative outside the conventional domain. Films often echo societal narratives, addressing prevalent values and issues. In...
Kaappaan "Kaappaan," released in 2019, is a South Indian film in the Tamil language. It merges the genres of political drama with action and thriller elements. Plot Summary The narrative...