Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa, a Tamil film from 2010, takes its audience on a journey through romance and drama. Guided by the directorial touch of Gautham Menon, the film draws...
Kola Kolaya Mundhirika "Kola Kolaya Mundhirika" is a Tamil film that made its debut in 2010. The directorial responsibility was undertaken by Madhumita, and the main cast featured Karthik Kumar,...
Bayam Ariyaan Bayam Ariyaan is a Tamil film that made its entrance into the cinema world in 2010. The movie distinguishes itself through a plot that deviates from usual themes...
Goa "Goa" is a 2010 Indian film, navigating through the genre of comedy. Venkat Prabhu takes on the role of director for this movie, while Soundarya Rajinikanth serves as the...
14 Blades "14 Blades" is a 2010 Hong Kong wuxia film. Daniel Lee took the helm as the director of this film, which explores themes of loyalty and power within...
Maanja Velu "Maanja Velu" is a Tamil language action film released in 2010. The directorial role was taken up by A. Venkatesh, and the narrative is mainly centered on themes...
Padagasalai "Padagasalai" is a Tamil film that was released in the year 2010. The film contains a mix of drama and action, crafted with the aim to captivate its audience....