
“Kolaigaran” is a 2019 Tamil film that delves into suspense and thrill elements. The movie provides a sequence of events that captures the essence of its genre, guiding viewers through a structured storyline.

Plot Summary

“Kolaigaran” unfolds with a gripping narrative centered on the lives of two primary characters: Prabhakaran, an astute IPS officer, and Karthikeyan, a mysterious individual who perplexingly warns of a murder he plans to commit. The story’s intensity amplifies when a murder indeed takes place, leaving a trail of evidence and doubts.

As Prabhakaran investigates, he is confronted with a myriad of twists, each leading him to question Karthikeyan’s involvement. The dynamic interplay between them becomes a focal point, with each character challenging the other. The storyline delves deep into motives, alibis, and hidden agendas. Flashbacks are employed to provide depth and understanding, unraveling dark secrets from the past.

Throughout the narrative, viewers are compelled to question the identity of the true perpetrator. Just when it seems like the mystery is about to be solved, new evidence or testimonies surface, adding layers to the puzzle. This constant interplay of suspense and revelations keeps the audience on the edge of their seats until the very end, where the true “Kolaigaran” is finally revealed.


“Kolaigaran” was produced under the banner of Diya Movies. B. Pradip took on the role of the producer. Andrew Louis donned multiple hats, both penning the script and directing the entire venture.

The cast included notable names such as Vijay Antony, Arjun, Ashima Narwal, Nassar, and Seetha. Mukes’ expertise in cinematography was evident in every frame, capturing the essence of the story and its intense moments. The editing desk, managed by Richard Kevin, ensured a seamless transition between scenes, while Simon K. King composed the musical score, setting the film’s tone and emotion. 


“Kolaigaran” offers a slice of Tamil cinema that focuses on suspense and thrill. Adhering to its genre, the movie presents a structured narrative that ensures viewer engagement. The film emphasizes the significance of story-driven cinema where the plot takes center stage, presenting a clear beginning, middle, and end.

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