
“Hedgehogs” is an animated film from 2016. The movie, directed by Jianming Huang and produced by Original Force Animation, presents a plot and a set of characters that keep the narrative moving forward.

Plot Summary

“Hedgehogs” features the story of a hedgehog named Bobby who resides in the wilderness. Bobby leads a content life amidst nature, undisturbed and self-reliant. However, his peaceful existence is disrupted one day due to an unforeseen incident. This event pushes Bobby out of his comfort zone in the wilderness and leads him into an entirely different world – the bustling city.

In the city, Bobby’s life takes a drastic turn. He is overwhelmed by the strange sounds, the towering buildings, and the pace of life so different from what he is used to. Amidst the city’s chaos, he encounters a savvy pigeon named Hubert, who becomes Bobby’s guide in this urban jungle. Hubert helps him learn the ropes of city life, teaching him how to evade urban predators, find food, and maneuver through the city’s traffic-filled streets.

As the narrative proceeds, Bobby and Hubert form an unlikely friendship, offering mutual support as they traverse the complexities of urban life together. Alongside, Bobby’s character arc takes shape. From a timid and apprehensive hedgehog, Bobby evolves into a confident city dweller, discovering new facets of his personality.

Yet, the city and its life pose continuous challenges to Bobby. As he grapples with these challenges, he comes face-to-face with questions of identity and survival. The narrative skillfully explores these universal themes through Bobby’s journey, creating an engaging plot.


“Hedgehogs” stands as a product of joint efforts between numerous individuals and entities. Spearheaded by director Jianming Huang, this 2016 film marks the coming together of various talents in the realm of animation. The animation studio responsible for bringing the characters and settings of “Hedgehogs” to life is Original Force. 

The animation process took a considerable amount of time and resources. Utilizing advanced animation software, the team of animators worked tirelessly to bring the story to life visually. The character designs were developed keeping in mind their traits, roles, and significance in the plot. Each frame was drawn, colored, and animated with utmost attention to detail to create a visually stunning end result.


“Hedgehogs” serves as a representation of animation films that can seamlessly merge an intriguing story with well-executed production. The narrative of a hedgehog navigating city life in this 2016 film helps explore themes of adaptability, friendship, and self-identity, indicating that animated films can be more than mere entertainment and present significant life lessons.

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