Big Fish and Begonia

“Big Fish and Begonia” is a Chinese film that saw its release in 2016. It’s an animation feature, guided under the directorial lead of Liang Xuan and Zhang Chun. A blend of traditional and digital animation is used in the depiction of a narrative based on Chinese mythology.

Plot Summary

The storyline is set in a mystical under-realm, beneath the human world. This place is filled with entities that have control over natural elements. A being named Chun resides in this world and she transforms into a dolphin as part of a rite of passage, venturing into the human world. In her journey, she inadvertently causes a human boy to perish while trying to rescue her. Feeling the weight of guilt, Chun trades half her lifespan to revive the boy, who reemerges as a small fish in her realm. The rest of the story revolves around Chun caring for the fish and the ensuing implications and outcomes.


The creation journey of “Big Fish and Begonia” spanned twelve years. The story originally took form as a short online publication by Liang Xuan and Zhang Chun in 2004. The online community’s response was positive, leading to successful crowdfunding efforts for a full-length feature.

B&T Studio was responsible for the animation work. However, the production process was not without its challenges, primarily financial hurdles that led the directors to seek backing from Enlight Media and other companies. The film encompasses various facets of Chinese mythology, folklore, and philosophy.

The film balances the use of computer-generated imagery with traditional hand-drawn animations. It showcases a visual narrative style inspired by traditional Chinese art, particularly Song Dynasty paintings and poetry.

Composer Kiyoshi Yoshida worked on the film’s sound design, providing auditory elements to accompany the narrative’s emotional depth and ethereal atmosphere.


“Big Fish and Begonia” serves as a platform to explore themes like sacrifice, responsibility, and the circular flow of life via its mythological narrative. The film is not merely an animated feature; it also communicates a deep, heartfelt story which connects across cultural boundaries. The movie’s evolution from a concept to a feature-length animation showcases Chinese animation’s potential and development. The film strikes a balance between tradition and modernity, lending a novel outlook on animation’s scope.

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