Aakko Aakko is a film originating from the Tamil cinema, released in the year 2015. The movie's title, "Aakko", is an acronym for "Aarva Kolaru", which in English signifies a...
Puriyatha Puthir "Puriyatha Puthir," meaning "Mystifying Puzzle," is a psychological thriller in the Tamil-language film genre, making its debut in 2017. The story is a brainchild of director Ranjit Jeyakodi,...
Aandavan Kattalai "Aandavan Kattalai" is a film from the Tamil cinema industry, released in the year 2016. The directorial work was done by M. Manikandan, and the production was under...
Rekka Rekka is a Tamil action movie released in 2016. The film is directed by Rathina Shiva and includes actors Vijay Sethupathi and Lakshmi Menon in primary roles. The movie...