Yaathisai "Yaathisai" is a historical-fiction film set in the 7th century, challenging preconceived notions about high-budget period films. Helmed by director Dharani Rasendran, the film dives deep into an age-old...
Anba Azhaga "Anba Azhaga" is a Tamil film that appeared in the early 2010s. This movie, while adhering to the fundamentals of a traditional narrative, presents a story filled with...
Kagitha Kappal "Kagitha Kappal" is a Tamil language film with an interesting narrative structure. The film's title, translated as "Paper Ship," provides a glimpse into the narrative journey that awaits...
Periyar Kuthu | STR | Rebel Audio "Periyar Kuthu" represents a song from the Tamil music landscape, marked by its blend of rhythms and themes. With STR's contribution as a...