Bad Guys Always Die Bad Guys Always Die is a 2015 film, a joint venture between South Korea and China. Directed by Sun Hao, this action-comedy involves an engaging mix...
Hedgehogs "Hedgehogs" is an animated film from 2016. The movie, directed by Jianming Huang and produced by Original Force Animation, presents a plot and a set of characters that keep...
Hae-pi-ppeo-seu-de-i "Hae-pi-ppeo-seu-de-i" is a 2017 film from South Korea. It forms a part of the wide spectrum of movies released from the region. Plot Summary "Hae-pi-ppeo-seu-de-i" takes its audience into...
Warriors of the Dawn "Warriors of the Dawn" is a period drama that came from South Korea in 2017. The film's director, Jeong Yoon-cheol, situates the story in the historical...
Western Ghats "Western Ghats" is a 2018 film. The movie is set within the landscape of the mountain range known for its rich biodiversity. The environment adds to the film's...
2.0 "2.0" is a 2018 Indian film that combines elements of science fiction and action. Directed by S. Shankar, the movie is a sequel to the 2010 film "Enthiran." Plot...