Kagitha Kappal "Kagitha Kappal" is a Tamil language film with an interesting narrative structure. The film's title, translated as "Paper Ship," provides a glimpse into the narrative journey that awaits...
Ainthu Ainthu Ainthu Ainthu Ainthu Ainthu, also known as 555, is a Tamil film of the psychological thriller genre from the year 2013. The film was directed and written by...
Kuttram 23 "Kuttram 23" is a Tamil film directed by Arivazhagan, which was unveiled to the public in 2017. This film, classified as a crime thriller, has Arun Vijay in...
Peranbu Peranbu (2018) is a work of cinema hailing from India. It's directed by Ram and stars Mammootty in the leading role, with Anjali, Sadhana, and Anjali Ameer also participating....
Kolaigaran "Kolaigaran" is a 2019 Tamil film that delves into suspense and thrill elements. The movie provides a sequence of events that captures the essence of its genre, guiding viewers...