Vaalu: Vaalu is a Tamil movie directed by Vijay Chander and produced by S. S. Chakravarthy in the year 2015. With cinematography by Shakthi and soundtrack composed by S. Thaman,...
Idhu Namma Aalu "Idhu Namma Aalu" is a 2016 Tamil film. This romantic comedy, directed by Pandiraj, narrates a tale that primarily revolves around the character named Shiva. Plot Summary...
For a Few Bullets "For a Few Bullets" is a movie released in 2016, presenting a story set in an intriguing time period. The film falls under the genre of...
ThiruvinKural In the ever-evolving landscape of cinema, 2023 brings us "ThiruvinKural." Directed by Harish Prabhu and produced under the banner of Lyca Productions, this drama delves into the challenges faced...