Dhilluku Dhuddu 2 "Dhilluku Dhuddu 2" is a 2019 Tamil horror-comedy film. Directed by Rambhala, it continues the narrative from its predecessor, "Dhilluku Dhuddu." Plot Summary "Dhilluku Dhuddu 2" follows...
Kolaiyuthir Kaalam "Kolaiyuthir Kaalam" is a 2019 Tamil-language film that has garnered attention from various quarters. It's a film that utilizes suspense and mystery to weave its narrative. Plot Summary...
Bring Me Home "Bring Me Home" is a 2019 film that offers a narrative centered around themes of loss, perseverance, and the search for closure. As films continually present diverse...
Aadai In 2019, the Tamil-language film industry introduced "Aadai," a movie that presented a narrative outside the conventional domain. Films often echo societal narratives, addressing prevalent values and issues. In...