Western Ghats "Western Ghats" is a 2018 film. The movie is set within the landscape of the mountain range known for its rich biodiversity. The environment adds to the film's...
90 ML "90 ML" is a 2019 film that generated discussions due to its thematic content. The movie primarily delves into the interactions and life stories of a group of...
Kaappaan "Kaappaan," released in 2019, is a South Indian film in the Tamil language. It merges the genres of political drama with action and thriller elements. Plot Summary The narrative...
Petromax Petromax is a 2019 Tamil-language film that falls under the comedy horror genre. Directed by Rohin Venkatesan and produced by Eagle's Eye Production, the movie combines elements of humor,...
Vaalu 'Vaalu' is a 2015 Tamil language film in the romantic comedy genre. Directed by Vijay Chander, it revolves around the main character named Sharp and his pursuits in love....
Naan Sirithaal Released in 2020, "Naan Sirithaal" is a Tamil-language film that attracted attention due to its unique storyline. The film's title, when translated, means "If I Laugh," offering a...
Aaradugula Bullet "Aaradugula Bullet" emerged in 2021, finding its place in the cinema landscape. The film attracted attention from viewers and critics alike, presenting itself as an addition to the...
Panni Kutty The cinematic landscape saw the release of "Panni Kutty" in 2022, offering audiences a story that amalgamated humor, drama, and the unpredictability of life. This piece aims to...
Exploring the Cinematic Brilliance of Kalki 2898 AD Introduction As a film producer deeply passionate about the art and craft of filmmaking, I am thrilled to share my insights and...